I must be honest with all of you, despite which of my old teachers are reading this, gala has never been my favorite time of year. You spend basically an entire semester trying to take a regular technique class while also squeezing in a little time everyday to learn your gala piece. It's usually just a disaster and everyone forgets everything they learned the week before. And, honestly, I think it takes a lot of time away from the technique classes that I desperately need. But, I also did love being able to perform with all by buddies and get new tights and a new leotard every year, and I have even put all those gala skirts to good use, surprisingly enough!! yay! It is a really good way to end the year, I think. And it's also nice to have several different pieces to perform, plus it's usually pretty easy going, especially after doing the student company show like the week before. Alright, so I guess that gala isn't so bad after all!
Just a typical scene from gala haha! |
I haven't done gala for two years now, yet I have still been there both of those years. Last year, I volunteered back stage and helped about a bajillion little girls put in head pieces and tie on skirts, and make sure that they didn't completely smear off all their makeup. Good times. . . It was probably the longest day ever. And it made it even worse that there were three shows in one day, which meant buttloads of hairspray, lots and lots of bright colored tutus, and more than enough screaming in the dressing room. It's a good thing they are all ridiculously cute, or they would just be quite a nuisance! But, regardless of the crying and costume changes, it was really fun to talk to all my teachers that I had left the year before and get reacquainted with all my friends.
Today was yet another gala, and I was asked to come and be presented as a graduating senior by one of my most cherished and best teachers. Julia, my lifelong ballet instructor, will always been dear in my heart. She has done so much for me. Not only does she do an amazing job at training all her students, she is also one of the sweetest, kindest people to ever walk the earth. She's always been there for me. I can't tell you how many times I've cried in her little cubicle office or laughed with her in rehearsals or just had great conversations with her on the phone. She can always offer me great advice and I know that she will always have my back. Anyway, she asked me to come and stand with all the other graduating seniors from BNC and sort of get recognized. I thought it was such an honor to be able to still say that I have BNC as my home away from home. Even though I haven't danced there in two years, I still feel like I'm apart of all of it. It was so good to be recognized for the 11 years I danced there and was trained by spectacular teachers before heading out on my own path. So, thank you, Julia. Thank you for being an amazing friend and a truly incredible teacher.
Just me and Bayley :) |
I also got to watch my little sister, Bayley, dance in three pieces; a ballet piece, a jazz piece and a contemporary piece. Honestly?? I am speechless!! How did she get so good in this past year?! Seriously! I first saw her in the ballet piece and I really could not believe how put together and grown up she looked in her pointe shoes on stage and totally nailing everything. She has improved so much this year and I am so proud of how far she has come. I can tell that she just has a real passion for dance and I love watching her perform on stage. She has such a captivating stage presence and she has really become a beautiful little dancer!! I am so impressed by her and I hope that she will continue working for whatever goal she wants to reach. I can't believe how much she has grown up in the past two years. I hate to think I missed seeing all of that. To me, she has always been the baby of the family. It's weird seeing her as like a teenager, and not that cute little girl who used to play barbies with me and tease me and have sleepovers with me. I've had so many great times with her. I think that we've always been really close and I hope that we can grow even closer since, hopefully, we will be able to relate on a lot more things than we used to. At times, she can be too cool for school and act like she's all that, but she never ceases to make me laugh and also make me feel like more of a dork than I already am! haha! I hate that she steals my clothes and gets into my makeup, but in the long run, those things don't even matter and one day I will look back and just laugh at all the times I screamed at her for wearing the shirt I deliberately told her not to wear. I'm excited for her and where she is going with all that talent of hers. Congratulations, Bayley! So proud of you, little sis :)
Now, I am just really glad that I am not wearing my 5 inch heels anymore. Dang, your feet get really tired when they are forced to stay in an unnatural position for far too long. Whoever invented high heels had a lot of malice towards women, but at the same time they created one of the best inventions on earth. There's nothing better than a beautiful high heel. Well, I better turn in for the night. Lots and lots of planning for my grad party tomorrow!! I'll be sure to blog soon! Until then...
Just a typical sleepover on the trampoline. Love my little sis!! |
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