But, despite my brain being on a constant treadmill, going from school work to ballet back to school work, I can still find just a tiny bit of joy in knowing it's the weekend. There is seriously nothing better than a lazy Saturday morning after a late Friday night with friends. While usually, you can find me in my room, sitting in my bed, staring into my laptop on the weekends ( I don't know what's wrong with me, but I quite enjoy being antisocial and watching How I Met Your Mother by myself into late hours of the night), I actually do get out of my bed and into normal clothes from time to time. To prove I am telling the truth, I have decided to devote this post about the amazingness of weekends to last Saturday, my friend's birthday.
We all planned on going out to dinner at Serendipity's, only the best and coolest restaurant in the world, and it only exists in DC and New York, which just makes it that much more exclusive, but since there are like over 20 people in our class and restaurants usually hate big groups of obnoxious teenagers who don't tip well and all ask for separate checks, we had to find a different place to eat. My friend ran across this cute little Thai place that would serve a big group like ours, so we made reservations. Saturday night came and two of my closest friends came over to get all dolled up and to help me pick clothes I actually look decent in. I guess I'm not very good at shopping for clothes that look good on me or wearing combinations of clothes that work together. I need to hire a personal shopping and dresser if I am ever going to make it as a fashionista. Then, we drove out to go to dinner, which turned out to be a bigger fiasco than originally planned because DC wasn't smart enough to make big parking lots so finding a place to park your car can be a freaking disaster, filled with screaming, swearing and sometimes crying. . . it's quite emotional. But, we finally made it in, and dinner was spectacular. Since I wasn't very hungry, I just ordered a Pina Colada, but it was really good. I think that is sort of my trademark: going out to a restaurant and just ordering a dessert or just ordering a drink. I have a complex of not wanting to spend unnecessary money when I don't have to, and going to eat at automatically means you're going to spend at least $15, which is practically half of my grocery bill for the week. Nope, not happening. So, a $4 drink becomes much more appealing to me.

Well, I must be off. I have the pleasure of watching General Conference today and tomorrow online. And even though it's a very long broadcast, I love listening to all the prophets speak and I have a weird obsession with taking notes. I don't know why, but it makes me happy. Don't make fun of the nerd who will be spending the next four hours speedily writing down everything every speaker says. It's going to be awesome. With my spring break coming up with next week, I am hoping to use my mental breaks from dragging hours of school to blog a little bit, so expect to hear from me soon!
Until then, your ballerina to be. . .
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