AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! QOIFJWEFOIJEDFOSPOISAJSFOIFJ!!!!! . . . yep, those are my highly educated, very organized thoughts at the moment. I hope that they have been sufficiently represented here :) This is crazy! I am literally flabbergasted that this is my last day in Washington DC... probably for a very long time. Although, if any of my friends ask, I am visiting very very soon! But seriously, I really do want to visit all of you as soon as I can earn $300 bucks and get my sorry butt down here again. This has been a truly incredible place to be and I am so lucky to have been able to live in such a wonderful city with such incredible people who have seriously changed my life. I just want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for how much you've done for me. Unfortunately, this post might turn into a novel and you would all fall asleep after about a paragraph or two, so I'm not going to thank you individually, but let's just say that if you've been in my life this year, you are automatically included in this post.
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1. The thing I am going to miss most of all about Washington DC is the amazing, ridiculous, crazy, awesome, hilarious, supportive, caring, beautiful, spectacular friends I have made throughout the year. I have gotten so close with all of the dancers at the Washington School of Ballet and they have all left me with something that I can keep with me for the rest of my life. It was amazing to me how much of a family we became so quickly during the year. I never felt like I was secluded from anything or anyone because everyone was just so inclusive and so welcoming to all of us newbies this year. It's pretty hard for me to make friends, especially since I am officially socially awkward, I am slightly anti social (alright fine, I'm really antisocial), and apparently people are scared of me when they first meet me. Wow, what a combination of such lovely characteristics I have! haha! But seriously, you can see how difficult it would be for me to make friends with people I have just met (who think I'm scary and mean and terrible :) ), but I feel like, right off the bat, I just had some really good friends.
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As the year went on, I became especially close with a small group of girls, who, at first, seemed way too crazy for me to even handle. When I first met them, I never would have guessed that I would be so close with them now. They were younger and immature (teehee :) its true, I must admit) and crazy at times, but now I realize that those are the things that I love about them most. When Nutcracker came along, we really got to know each other and I think I officially became one of the crazy, immature girls who laughs at pointless youtube videos and who sings obnoxious songs in the ballet studios just for fun. Ever since then, we have just gotten so close. I feel like I can tell them anything and they will support me in everything. We laugh about stupid stuff and cry about even stupider stuff. We have illegal sleepovers at the Porter Street house and bake high caloric desserts on friday nights just for the heck of it. We talk about the latest gossip in the dressing room. We pick out each others outfits for a night on the town. We eat at the cheesecake factory after waiting 2 hours for a table. We take thousands of pictures of the dumbest things. We come of up with crazy inside jokes that only we would understand. We talk about the future like we have a clue. We goof off in rehearsals, even when I get frustrated at their immaturity haha! We make plans about hanging out on the weekends which never really happen. We watch stupidly hilarious youtube videos, which cause us to get way too hysterical.
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stupid immature things during ballet class and trying to hold it all in, random trips to the grocery store during late hours of the night wearing ridiculous clothes and buying all baking supplies, taking way too many pictures and then editing them so we actually look good, and so many others, I simply can't name them all. These girls have literally changed my life. They've always been there for me. They make me laugh harder than I thought I could. They help me through my toughest trials. They always know how to make me smile and feel good. They are truly incredible people and I cannot wait to see how far they go in life. I know they have bright futures ahead of them and that all their goals can and will be accomplished. I am so proud of how much they have grown this year and I am so excited to watch them continue to improve themselves and their talents. I hope we can stay in touch, even with so much distance between us. I just want to thank them for everything they have done for me and that they have added to my life. I am completely undeserving of their love and care, yet they gave it to me anyway. I love them more than they will ever know and I am missing them already. Thank you so much, girls! You have truly made this an amazing year.
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Since I can't decide what to put as my last summer bucket list item, I think I'm just going to post the whole thing, just for kicks and giggles, so here it is. Buckle up. It's pretty epic. And, unfinished, might I add. Still want to add a few things before I finalize it. Alright, without further adieu:
1. Spend one full day watching movies in my pajamas, building couch cushion forts
2. Go camping
3. Play messy Twister
4. Go TPing
5. Get a tan tattoo
6. Go on a trip to somewhere
7. Kiss underwater
8. Dance in the rain
9. Get really fit
10. Drive and get lost somewhere
11. Make a bonfire
12. Sleep under the stars
13. See a movie at a drive-in theater
14. Make ice cream
15. Have a picnic
16. Stay up all night
17. Make a summer playlist
18. Go paintballing
19. Eat s’mores
20. Read the Book of Mormon
21. Have breakfast for dinner
22. Tie dye t-shirts
23. Watch the sunset and sunrise
24. Play badminton
25. Do something you would never do
26. Have a poker night
27. Make homemade pasta
28. Go bowling
29. Go to a water park
30. Paint filled balloons wall art
31. Go berry picking
32. Do a scavenger hunt somewhere
33. Spend a whole day barefoot
34. Go fishing
35. Learn to cook/bake and make something every week
36. Watch the whole Harry Potter series in a day
37. Do melted crayon art So, there you go. The entire bucket list of summer 2012. Wish me luck as I try and accomplish every single item on the list. I'm surely going to need it!! I hope everyone has an amazing summer, filled with lots and lots of suntanning and ice cream and all nighters! Let's make this one amazing!